Bruce David Levy

Bruce David Levy

Parker B. Francis Professor of Medicine
Bruce David Levy

Research in the Levy Lab focuses on endogenous mechanisms for resolution of lung inflammation and injury. The laboratory's overall mission is to identify natural small molecule regulators of the severity and duration of innate and adaptive immune responses in the lung and their relationship to human diseases, such as asthma.

Of particular interest are the molecular signaling circuits for autacoids that promote resolution, such as lipoxins, protectins and resolvins from arachidonic acid and the omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid, respectively. In addition, we have laid the groundwork for polyisoprenyl phosphate remodeling to serve as a new counter-regulatory signal transduction pathway in leukocytes and lung parenchymal cells.

Our research also actively translates these basic observations to the genesis of human illness to gain a molecular understanding of the pathobiology of inflammatory lung disease and to use these insights towards new therapeutic strategies for refractory lung diseases, such as acute lung injury/ARDS and severe asthma. 

Contact Information

Brigham and Women's Hospital
Building for Transformative Medicine, Room 3016E
60 Fenwood Road
Boston, MA 02115
p: 617-525-5407

Community or Program Affiliation
